Honey is the natural sweetener created by the diligent work of honey bees for their own sustenance. Humans discovered this delightful product thousands of years ago and quickly determined that bees produced enough for themselves and people too.
Honeys come in a variety of depths of color and taste depending upon which plant blossoms are the source of nectar. Many local beekeepers maintain hives to produce honey across the United States. These local beekeepers are instrumental in protecting the health and vitality of their bee populations and the quality and purity of their honey. They are working hard to ensure the survival of bee populations for the production of honey and the fundamental role that bees play in pollinating our crops.
Join annelle in supporting your local honey producer and their vital contribution to the health of our planet. You can find a local honey producer near you by following this link: https://www.honey.com/honey-locator.