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God Save the Queen Bee
God Save the Queen Bee

Recently, I have thought long and hard about what it really means to be a queen. As always, when I have something big to contemplate, I turn to the bees. I asked them, what does it mean to be a queen, and why is the mother bee called the Queen Bee? The Queen Bee in […]

Gift of the Native Bees
Gift of the Native Bees

Each summer, my husband and I take an extended camping trip with our two pups Reishi and Mollie. Something funny always seems to happen to me on these trips in regards to bees. I always seem to meet a native bee or honey bee that wants to hang out with me or interact in some […]

Bee-t the Summer Heat Part 2
Bee-t the Summer Heat Part 2

Last month, we talked about some of the techniques honey bees use to keep their colonies cool in the summer. This month, we are talking about how you can help your honey bees stay cool, as well as ways to support your local native bees. Of course the first thing I am going to mention […]

Bee-t The Summer Heat – Part 1
Bee-t The Summer Heat – Part 1

We are experiencing some record days of heat here in north Mississippi this June. We even had a few record breaking days in May this year. Not only am I trying to make sure I stay cool and hydrated, but I am also looking out for my honey bees as well as all the native […]

Learning How to Read Beeswax Comb
Learning How to Read Beeswax Comb

You may think that the beeswax comb is only made for honey, but that is simply not true. The beeswax comb in the hive tells the story of the colony. Many times you may hear me refer to the comb as the library of the local terroir. It holds the stories and the flavors of […]

April 2022
April 2022

Each month as I sit down to write this article, I contemplate on what the bees would like me to share with the world. I take this time to really tune in and listen to what I think the bees are teaching me.  As I contemplate on the message they have for me in April, […]

For the Love of Bees
For the Love of Bees

Did you know that St. Valentine is the patron saint of beekeeping? St. Valentine was known to have married couples in secret when the Roman empire banned marriage because they thought single men made better soldiers. His bravery is one of the reasons we celebrate Valentine’s day each year. Bees have long been associated with […]

Finding the Winter Sun
Finding the Winter Sun

Bees are actually some of the cleanest insects, as they carry any debris, dead bees and even the Queen’s waste out of the hive. When the sun is out on a winter day and the temperature is 45 degrees or above, the bees will perform their “cleansing flights”. You may want to stand clear of […]

Drones Without a Home
Drones Without a Home

One of my favorite things about beekeeping is that you can tell what time of year it is and what type of weather we will have by observing the bees. When last visiting my apiary, I heard a lot of abnormally loud and low buzzing. I walked over to the front of one of my […]

Bees and our Ancestors
Bees and our Ancestors

October brings to mind the turning of the wheel of the seasons. It is a time where the veils between the worlds become thinner, and we can feel the presence of our beloved dead. From The Day of the Dead to All Saint’s Day, there is a reason many cultures honor passed loved ones around […]

Falling for the Bees
Falling for the Bees

The great wheel of the seasons is turning, and fall is just a few days away. There are not as many flowers with nectar and pollen this time of year, and those flowers like goldenrod, asters, sunflowers and vervain are providing a much needed source of food for the bees for winter. Many beekeepers harvest […]

Gentle Nature of the Bee
Gentle Nature of the Bee

In the spring and early summer, I catch quite a few swarms. I usually have a crowd of people gathered around me at a safe distance. There are always so many questions about bees and swarms, but the main question I am always asked is “how often are you stung by the bees?”. People are […]

Season of the Swarm
Season of the Swarm

Individual baby bees are born each day throughout most of the year, but bees are a colony of many individual bees also known as a super organism. This means that one bee can not live alone, but must be a part of a greater colony itself for survival. If we think about it, early humans […]

Protecting our Pollinators in the Spring
Protecting our Pollinators in the Spring

Spring is one of my favorite times of the year, as it offers a bounty of flowers and baby creatures from birds and squirrels to bees and rabbits. The beautiful fragrance and colors of spring draws us outdoors to dance and play in fields of flowers as if we were a sweet little bee. Spring […]

Bee Bread
Bee Bread

I really enjoy watching bees bring pollen into the hive. It is such a joy this time of year to see their little bee baskets filled with all different colors of pollen from red and orange to purple and grey. One my favorite games in beekeeping is trying to determine what plant the pollen originated […]

Bees Snuggle in Winter Too!
Bees Snuggle in Winter Too!

In the cold months of the year, it is important not to disturb your bees, unless you feel that you need to provide them with more food. Around the end of October, I begin to add extra materials to block the wind around the hives, and I add wood shavings to the inside of the […]

Beeswax Christmas Ornaments
Beeswax Christmas Ornaments

Bees have continued to bring light in the darkness to people with their golden wax for thousands of years. I have found that the stories, traditions and folklore around bees is almost unending. From candles and propolis to honey and pollen, the list of gifts from the bees continues to astound me. Last year, a […]

Nature’s Gifts from the Honeybee and the Hive
Nature’s Gifts from the Honeybee and the Hive

This time of year my family and friends get excited because they all know I am gifting them with honey. Honey has long been the symbol of sweetness, good health and prosperity. These are wonderful wishes to pass on to others for 2021. It is common knowledge that the honey bee makes honey, but did […]

Gratitude for the Bees
Gratitude for the Bees

Gratitude for the Bees November is a month that brings up many feelings and customs of gratitude. From the gathering of our families to share a meal, to the shorter days that remind us how grateful we are for the warming rays of the sun. Most of us don’t even realize how dull life might […]

How Sweet it is – Honey
How Sweet it is – Honey

Honey is nature’s perfect sweetener, it is the sweet liquid produced by honeybees. Honey feeds the honey bee colony in the winter. Bees eat honey for carbohydrates and pollen, vitamins and fat. Worker bees metabolize honey to generate heat for the hive, so it must be present at all times. Bees can die of starvation […]

Nurturing Our Pollinators through Winter
Nurturing Our Pollinators through Winter

October can be a tough time of the year for bees. This is the time of the year that we can see losses in the honeybee population due to high counts of varroa mites. We may see bees absconding, or leaving their home sometimes to die, in a last chance effort to rid themselves of […]

Propolis: Healing Gifts from the Honey Bees
Propolis: Healing Gifts from the Honey Bees

Propolis comes in many different colors ranging from reds to yellow, orange, brown and green. It is the sticky substance you see along the top of the wooden frames. Propolis, also known as “bee glue” is one of my favorite products made by the bees, and also the main one that brought me to work […]

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If you see a giant swirl of honey bees passing through your yard, do not fear. They have just packed up and are on the move to a new home.

If you see a giant swirl of honey bees passing through your yard, do not fear. They have just packed up and are on the move to a new home.

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If you see a giant swirl of honey bees passing through your yard, do not fear. They have just packed up and are on the move to a new home.

If you see a giant swirl of honey bees passing through your yard, do not fear. They have just packed up and are on the move to a new home.

If you see a giant swirl of honey bees passing through your yard, do not fear. They have just packed up and are on the move to a new home.

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If you see a giant swirl of honey bees passing through your yard, do not fear. They have just packed up and are on the move to a new home.

If you see a giant swirl of honey bees passing through your yard, do not fear. They have just packed up and are on the move to a new home.

We are coming to the turning of the seasons, the beginning of fall and the end of summer. As the summer comes to a close, temperatures are reaching their peaks and days...

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Gardens are starting to bloom right now, a lovely reminder that, despite all that is happening, nature will still grow.

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Honey is the natural sweetener created by the diligent work of honey bees for their own sustenance. Humans discovered this...

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Humans & Bees through the ages Humans have been using the products created by bees for almost 9,000 years based upon archeological findings of traces of beeswax on ancient pottery.

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