Gratitude for the Bees
November is a month that brings up many feelings and customs of gratitude. From the gathering of our families to share a meal, to the shorter days that remind us how grateful we are for the warming rays of the sun. Most of us don’t even realize how dull life might be without the sweetness of honey or the tartness of an apple that was pollinated by bees. Each time I approach a beehive, I send them my gratitude and thanks. I know that without the bees, we would not have as many of the flowering plants and trees that make our world so much more beautiful. We are grateful to the bees for providing us with fruit and vegetables, as well as propolis and honey for our medicine. The beautiful golden wax of the bees serves as a source of warmth and light in the darkness. The next time you see a bee trying to collect those last bits of nectar and pollen before they tuck themselves in for winter, send them a little gratitude and love. For without the bees, life would not be nearly as bright or as sweet.
Bee Blessings,
Ali Pinion