If you see a giant swirl of honey bees passing through your yard, do not fear. They have just packed up and are on the move to a new home. This sight is usually seen in the Spring when the days are warming.
The usual reason for swarming is that the bees are suffering from overcrowding, so a sizeable number of the bees in the hive take flight to move to a new home. Worker bees make all the preparations to move, including putting the queen on a diet so she is able to fly. This moving process takes a few hours up to a couple days. If you find a hive in your yard do not fret. Call a professional beekeeper to carefully relocate the hive.
Honey bees are a key player in pollinating crops worldwide. It is estimated that they play a critical role in pollinating up to 90% of the crops grown for human consumption. The loss of honey bees would be devastating to our food supply. Some of our favorite fruits and nuts could not be grown without them.
As populations decline significantly due to warmth-induced disease, pesticide use and declining diversity in their food supply due to loss of habitat, we are placing our own food supply in danger.
Help Save the Honey Bee! Join annelle in creating a bee-friendly garden in your yard or on your balcony to help bees and other pollinators thrive.